Friday, April 18, 2008

New Food Blogs

I've added a new blog: The Culinary Purveyors of Austin, sharing the good news of good food to the city of Austin. I've wanted to try my hand at writing as a food critic, and I'd like to write for local publication. I figured a blog was a good way to get some initial experience, though without the sexy intrigue of printed clips.

It is primarily focused on Austin-area restaurants and eateries - no chains or franchises outside the city. I'm keepin it weird and local. I also want contributors, so if you're an Austinite with good taste, let me know and I'll consider adding you. Non-Austinite friends, if you ever decide to visit me, feel free to use this as resource.

Let the eating begin!


Joyf said...

"The sexy intrigue" ... I like it!

I glanced at the other blog and liked it as well, but as you are reviewing places that I am sadly unlikely to visit, I doubt I'll be a diligent commenter there ... It's too much of a tease. :)

Anonymous said...

hey, you need to take me out when you're trying these new things :) and then we'll business expense it ;)