Saturday, June 16, 2012

My (Zucchini) Muffin Top Is All That

Confused by the title of this post?

When Jessica gave me the onslaught of zucchini, I knew immediately I wanted to make zucchini bread for the first time. Jessica recommended I use a large zucchini for bread because it tends be dryer than small-to-medium pieces. I wish I had gotten a picture of the big boy, but you can see that it singularly produced a colander full of shreds:

The recipe I used was from Smitten Kitchen, and it called for 3 eggs. I didn't have any, so I went over to Karen's and picked up half a dozen eggs. Her hens just started laying, and some of their eggs are adorably tiny:

Due to a lack of bread pans, I decided to make muffins. I was a little worried as to how they'd turn out. But everything came together, and I ended up with two dozen muffins. Aren't they pretty?

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